It was glorious to have some time off in the form of a long weekend, I really needed this time to re-charge the batteries.
I spent the weekend shopping for some clothes & it was a very successful shopping expedition.
I managed to find almost everything I needed and without having the usually depression that follows the trying on of various outfits (The secret behind this is not trying on jeans or pants)
I bought some cute shift dresses that hide the Gloria rolls and I am able to wear cute tights and different tops to change the appearance of the outfit.
I also opted away from my usual long legged boots & bought a cute pair of high ankle boots with Stud detail.
I have said for a while that I would like to dress slightly edgier, so the boots with the colourful tights and funky scarf will help update my image a bit away from the pants and pullover jersey style I usually adopt in winter.
I also bought a really nice jersey that can be layered over long sleeved tops and I am looking forward to wearing that as well.
Easter Sunday was spent with my family and my little nephew. He is just over 1 years old now and I must say I love being able to run after him and tickle him mercilessly as he tries to crawl away. Oh yes, I am THAT aunty!
He has the cutest little giggle and it comes out when I bite his fingers or I hide around corners and go Boo!
When I catch him and tickle him he goes flat and straight and I was laughing so hard because it looks just like he is trying to plank! ha ha ha
I missed my grandparents alot this Easter. Easter weekend used to be a much bigger affair because my Gran would save her pension up and buy us so many goodies; biscuits, sweets and eggs. If I think of how little her pension money was, it shames me because she loved us so much that she saved as much as she could to buy goodies for all 6 of her grandkids and the parents.
I wish I had appreciated them alot more when they were alive and taken the time to hug them thank you instead of diving in to the box of yummy goodies and running off.
I think it is only once we are older and having to pay our own way do we realise how expensive the cost of living really is.
I have been doing really well these past few months by saving money, it is only this past month that I have fallen off the money wagon and spent alot of money on DIY and clothes for winter.
I promised myself last winter that I would buy myself new clothes and I put it off. I went through the whole of winter looking like an orphaned child wearing old clothes, so I really can say that this year was a necessity (besides, since I stopped the regular gym workouts, I have put on weight, so even those old winter clothes wouldn’t fit me anyway)
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