Tee had an afternoon nap and I made my way to the beach. I read my book, enjoyed a swim and just relaxed. It was the perfect alone time.
We then went shopping when it had cooled down somewhat and If the stalls had had more western sizes, I would have bought more things!
We stopped at a Sports Bar and had some real western food, it was great!!
We had to check out the next morning, but were only boarding the ferry at 3, so we made the most of our air-conditioned room, found a pizza joint on the beach with free WiFi and then made our way to the ferry
At least this time it was airconditioned!
I have not started on my Novel for November Novel Writing Month, so I put a good hour or so into beginning it. I have to finish this challenge, it would be really fun!
Our hotel in Aonang is amazing. The island is pristine, the people are super friendly and their english is very good. Prices also seem to be higher here.
We enjoyed a delicious buffet breakfast at the hotel restaurant and then made our way to the pharmacy for Aloe Vera oil for me and a McFlurry for Tee.
Oh and I bought myself a pair of nailclippers! I had left mine behind an my nails have been irritating me! I even had a dream about nailclippers! :-p
This morning we were up early for our elephant trek through the jungle. The asian elephants are a lot smaller than the African elephants, but nevertheless, these gentle giants are still daunting when you stand next to them.
We went for a leisurely walk through the jungle. Our bare feet rested on their backs and it was an amazing experience to feel the thick skin and hair under our feet. We got a chance to pose sitting on her neck and I really hope that these animals are treated well. A few trainers seem to be a bit harsh and you can see a few marks on their skin from the bullhook, but I sincerely hope they were superficial. Our trainer said he did not use the hook and it was only there for emergency. He seemed to really love the elephant though. But unfortunately he only works there, doesn't own them.
We came back to our hotel and had another sleep. It is incredible how the heat drains a person!
We are off to do some shopping in a bit and then all meeting for our final dinner tonight
There are some good people in our group, but then there are some really loud, obnoxious people. We try to avoid them!
Right, I have shopping to do, so I will say cheerio for now!!
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