Recently a young lad has taken an interest in me - he is 23 years old & we all know that I have a penchant for them young 'uns!
As Tee said: "You're like catnip to the young boys!"
I just had to laugh at that!!
So MrM sent me a poem the other day - yes, he wrote a poem for me!
Tell me this doesn't make you go Awww....
The day was long and work had been a nightmare,
It had been so dismal and it all seemed unfair.
I got home and decided to go workout,
Not knowing that fate was lingering about.
I had been having a rough day and my outlook was severely dim,
But all that changed for the better when I bumped into you at gym.
Never have I met a woman so unique,
Seeing you after you had trained your sexy physique.
I asked you for your BBM which is strange because I am shy,
I never make a move on a lady, never even given it a try.
But I decided to go for it as if I was on a dare,
For you see Flirty*, seeing you again had me walking on air.
Looking into those shining, bright, lucid eyes,
Began to clear my personal cloudy skies.
Alhough in the crowded gym, I got lost in this world,
Standing there with you my reality uncurled.
I heard nothing else at that moment but your gentle soft voice,
I was completely lost and couldn’t escape, I had no choice.
It was mesmerising to be with someone that I had once knew,
Especially in particular when that someone turned out to be you.
I used to be too shy to talk to you but now I battle to go without a day,
Whenever I say goodnight my heart sinks knowing that you’re going away.
I feel comfortable chatting to you with whatever is on my mind,
I lose myself and lose track of time.
That last never rhymed, no matter, so what?
You know this is a poem and have an idea of its plot.
I was undecided on writing a poem for someone who I had never before,
Do I make it funny or romantic, something to leave you begging for more?
Now this poem was not put together all in one night,
Every time I thought of a line, I put it in if it felt right.
I write poetry which I am glad in you I entrusted this to,
Because ever since you knew,
Inspiration for poetry came flowing from you,
Putting my feelings on paper, something I never do.
If feeling were water I would give you a sea,
Truthful and honest to you, forever I will be.
If feelings were light I would fetch you a star,
Whenever I see you my smile is never far.
If feelings had to be given I would give you every grain of sand,
Just so you could know the sheer size of them would not fit in your hand.
If feelings had to be described there would not be much I could do,
Because there is no way to describe someone as special as you.
I live each day as if it is my last,
But suddenly I find myself hoping life doesn’t go too fast.
I look at the sunsets and the first signs of rain, wishing you were there,
Having to experience theses wonders without you makes my heart tear.
See there is something about you I find ever so alluring,
Something, that in this day and age, is very reassuring .
I will always be here for you no matter what time,
For you every mountain I shall climb.
I want to be there for you when you cry for every tear,
I just want you to know I will always be near, To protect you from everything you fear.
Take care and just know that you are on my mind,
Because someone like you is very hard to find.
And I hope this is what you expected it to be,
Regards, sincerely… a poem specially from me.
* Names have been changed to protect identities!
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