Saturday, 14 May 2011

My best things

I read this and loved it on Kate's Blog & then saw it on Claudz's Blog & have decided to steal it as well!

So now I tag you to use & tell us your answers:

My Best Friend:
Tee - she knows me well & knows exactly how to cheer me up
AC - she understands (& sometimes relates) to my insecurities & never makes me feel silly

My Best Weekend:
Wow - I have had so many of these...
1: A trip that Alex and I took to the Cradle of Humankind for his birthday - I loved him with all my heart & thought it would be the first of many trips for us.
2: A weekend in Parys with my folks, I have always been close to them, but times alone like that cement that bond.

Best Decision:
To start speaking my mind
Stop letting guys treat me badly.

Best Escape:
Somewhere remote - the sea or the mountains, away from it all.

Best Secret:
A good Wonderbra

Best Gift:
My nomination bracelet that my mom put together for me - my name and 30 and I got to build the rest - which I did exactly 1 year later.
A silver bracelet of little interlinked elephants which my brother chose for me, he hardly used to make an effort and this meant alot to me.

Best Meal:
Erm... Sushi at YuMe, a medium rare steak with mushroom sauce, roast chicken with crispy skin, deep fried Camembert with cranberries

Best Beauty Tip:
Tissue Oil - helps skin re-moisturise without making it oily.

Best Compliment:
That I am a nice person. To me this is everything.
When I die 1 day, people wont remember the pretty shoes I wore or the nice house - they will remember the things I did for them because I cared & how I made them laugh and feel.

Best Quality:
That I respect my parents  

Best Moment:
A few years ago, my parents went through a really bad financial patch. I worked for my dad and one day I slipped money into an envelope, addressed it to my parents and even put a stamp and fake postmark on (made with corrugated paper and the bottom of a glue stick dipped into ink)
The look on their faces to receive an anonymous gift - I will never forget it!!
To this day they still don't know that it was me.

Best Way To Unwind:
Lying in bed with a good book and a kitty cat next to me

What are your best things?



I love hearing from you! Thank you for stopping by.