Tuesday, 11 January 2011

I got Style

... according to The Blogger Formerly Known As

Thank you, thank you - you are too kind my Masked Blogger Friend!

Now according to the rules - I have to:

1 - Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award - Done! See Above

2 - Share 7 things about yourself
  1. I am right-handed, but I use my left hand for a lot of things - shake the dice, play guitar
  2. I wish I could draw & paint
  3. My left foot is bigger than my right foot
  4. I love Cliff Richard
  5. I would rather do anything else than housework
  6. I love stalking people on Facebook
  7. I always check my phone 1st thing in the morning and last thing at night

3 - Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers

15!?!? I am afraid I have not discovered 15 new blogs.
However, of the blogs I love, I am constantly discovering why I love them so much, so I am sure that counts!

The award goes to:
  1. Claudz - Purple Lips & Perfect Smiles
  2. Jhb Princess
  3. SwissTwist
  4. Krystal - Village
  5. Reni - In her Shoes
  6. Hannah - The New Black
  7. Thelma - Little t
  8. Bobby - Bobbylicious
  9. Love & Stuff
  10. Kate - The Cow Jumped over the Moon
  11. Coffee Rings & other Things
  12. Mushy Peas on Toast
  13. Skinny Bitches in the Making
4 - Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award - working on it!


  1. thanks for the award!!! i'm also checking my phone first thing and last thing...and a lot of other times too :)

  2. Thank you so so so much for the award!! And for giving me the chance to discover your blog and the ones you've list. I love Krystal's blog too, but hadn't heard of much of the others!

    Ps I'm working on the answers to your questions and I'll be back to you soon. xx

  3. awwww!!!! thanks for the award! woohoo!!

  4. Thank you, this is so awesome!

  5. Aw, thanks for the shout out Mama! I am SO with you on the housework thing. Easily my least favorite thing to do.

    Can't wait to go check out the other blogs on the list...


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