Sunday, 24 October 2010

Easy to Make - Yoghurt tart

I shouldn't be giving this recipe out - it is so super easy, & the more people I give it to, the more people use it and that leaves my surprise dessert, well... not a surprise anymore!

This is super quick & so easy that it could be featured in "Desserts for Dummies"

Crushed Tennis biscuits
Melted Butter - enough to make stiff base

500ml/500g tub of yoghurt (any flavour, but beware of it becoming too sweet) My favourite: Lemon Meringue or Aloe Vera (by Parmalat)
1 tin of condensed milk
30ml lemon Juice
5ml of vanilla essence if you use the plain yoghurt

Press the crushed tennis biscuit base into a large pie dish and put to 1 side

Mix the yoghurt, condensed milk and lemon juice (and vanilla essence if needed) together in a bowl.

Pour into the biscuit base and microwave on high power for 2 minutes (this is based on my 900W oven)
Watch carefully and if tart starts to bubble, stop immediately.

Refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour and decorate however you like.

Is that it? Yep, that's it!

Serve and enjoy - and you can thank me later.


  1. that looks good! if i have time, maybe i'll make it for this saturday's halloween party! thanks for the tip!


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