Tuesday, 14 September 2010

A blog award.... for me!

I would like to thank Reni over at My So Called Life for my blog award! 

Spring is beginning and this flower is a nice addition to my blog - thank you!

I now have to pass the award on to 12 bloggers.... erm, I can only think of a few and Reni already tagged some of them.

Too bad - I think they are extra deserving.... and extra awesome ladies - you gotta check out their blogs...

In no particular order.....
  1. Crazy Claudz over at Purple lips and Perfect Smiles
  2. Sweet South African Ex-Pat SwissTwist
  3. Krazy Kate at The Cow jumped over the moon
  4. Elegant Elle at Love & Stuff
  5. Classy Zeanne at Coffee Rings and other things
  6. Stylish Skinny Bitches
  7. Lovely Krystal at The Village
Ladies - The Rules:

1) Save the image above and post it to your own blog
2) Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers
3) Link the nominees
4) Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog
5) Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.


  1. I must say I amaswissitwisstifanni/fan. Yahoo. SwissMiss XX I am going to stroll over to the others, and take a sneak peak.

  2. you are so welcome! i'm envious that spring is on your way. fall is upon me here in the pacific northwest - for us, that means rain and more rain.

  3. Thanks so much for this Miss Flirty 30! You the best :)

    Might not get to this during the week but will post my winners list over the weekends.

  4. Thank you thank you!
    But you've tagged almost everyone I know! :) I really need to make new blogging friends.....

  5. Aww, thank you - I have the same problem as Claudz, lol!

  6. aw THANK YOU!!!! you're too fun :)


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