Thursday, 26 August 2010

Things I learnt on holiday

  • I am grumpy when I am feeling sick
  • I am super grumpy when I have not had enough sleep (from aforementioned sickness)
  • I am Super Turbo grumpy when I am feeling ill, not getting enough sleep and someone wakes me up, then comments, “Gee, you’re grumpy this morning”
  • I love boardgames – especially Pictionary & 30 Seconds
  • I wish I had more alone time with QT
  • I love the sea & watching the waves
  • Seasand down your bikini bottoms is not fun
  • 1 day of sunshine on the beach is better than nothing
  • makes me rethink using them again after both flights being delayed and my pretty, new, pink lock being cut off my bag.
  • Hair on my bikini line – pointless
  • Getting nookie while living in a house with 2 friends - difficult


  1. ooooh sand down the bottom is the worst!!
    I also love watching and listening to the waves...
    good luck with that nookie time!

  2. I'm also the world's worst when I'm tired; I snap everyone's heads off :-(

    Isn't it a pain when you can't let yourself go because you're trying not to let the people in the next room hear? (Giggle - too much information? Probably, but who cares?)

  3. love board games too. who said they're not cool!
    apart from the sand, bikini line, quiet sex and sickness, hope you had a lovely holiday.

  4. You guys are all so awesome - you make me laugh!

  5. i just about learned all of that too last week!


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