Thursday, 22 July 2010


It is unofficially official! Ssshhh!
The other lady needs to be informed, but the job is mine - there are 3 things I need to learn:
  1. SAP
  2. Consumable products
  3. Desktop publishing
I have already decided that I will be fighting for a raise in salary now and I am not backing down. A friend of mine who works with me - Goldfish - has been an amazing pillar of support and helped me to see my worth to the company and he is the reason I decided not to back down and fight for what is mine.

I need to get out of debt and this couldnt have come at a more needed time.

I am going to have to look for a PA replacement for my boss who made me feel quite good when he said to me that he is "losing the best PA he has ever had"
So I have alot to get done these next few months as I would like to have achieved the top 3 goals by the end of the year.

I cant believe that the job I have always wanted is finally mine!! 
I worked as a Practise Manager for 9 years and made the move into corporate 2 years ago and it has been a tough journey - but it has paid off! 

It still hasn't sunk in properly.....


  1. OMG OMG OMG!!! I am SO very happy for you!

    congratulations on a the much deserved promotion!

  2. WooooHooo!!
    I need a better salary but I don't suppose your PA position will be enough for me :)
    Well done you!!

  3. well done! that sounds amazing! am still waiting for my dream job but have the faith! also need to get rid of my credit card debit so feel your pain.
    have a celebratory cocktail!

  4. Thanks for your awesome support all!

    @Claudz - wanna apply? I will be needing someone to replace me asap - although sounds like youre in the Tourism industry? That sounds like way more fun!
    Salary is decent - I am just so far in debt it doesn't make a dent! :-p
    Send me your CV!!

  5. I'm so over the tourism industry! Actually more in web design and doing sales and marketing. And that's more sales than marketing.
    I need loads of money so I can open a funky deli where my friends come to drink coffee and eat cake :)

  6. Coffee and Cake - will be there!
    I have always wanted a little coffee shop-cum-book store - I would call it The Vanilla Pod
    I would host book clubevenings and wine tasting events and singles nights etc. What fun!


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