Friday, 4 June 2010

My Birthday

Speaking of friendships and the like.....

I had an awesome birthday.

I was woken up at 5am - but I got kisses from the dogs and coffee in bed.

Then spent the day with AC at Mangwanani Spa!

By the end of the day I was exhausted. I had falled aleep a few times, once even woke myself up with my beginnings of a snore on the facial table!

We were suppsoed to go to Mojo to get our faces painted but we just didn't have the energy for the long drive, so we went to Kitchen Bar instead.

I must admit, I was exhausted and didn't really participate too much in the evening, but I enjoyed sitting at the table, reflecting on the people in my life.

My birthday is a great way to measure who the important people are. Not by the size of the gift - but the extent of their thoughtfulness. 
My friends touched me with the things they did, the thoughtful, touching gestures.
Once again I was reminded of how some people just aren't what you always expect/hope them to be.

You cannot change a person, you have to accept them for who they are.

If you do accept them - celebrate their strengths and overlook their weaknesses.

If you cannot - cut them loose and move on - life is too short to walk around with dead baggage.


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