Sunday, 10 January 2010

Things I've learned about myself....

  1. I'm addicted to Facebook
  2. I love anything Sparkly - always have - always will
  3. I'm addicted to sex for the right reasons - because it makes ME happy
  4. I am a Bonsai tree murderer
  5. My friends soothe my soul
  6. I need to learn to be more patient
  7. I am NOT a morning person
  8. I think like a guy - except when I really like a guy - then I think like a girl
  9. I really do have 2 personalities
  10. I love skirts that swish
  11. I love the unconditional love my cats give me - they keep me grounded
  12. My parents really would do anything for me
  13. I am too old for pimples, but I still get them
  14. My grey hairs are really silver and are growing at a rapid pace
  15. I have to accept the fact that I will have to start waxing my new mustache that has sprouted in my 30's
  16. I worry to much about my weight
  17. I should stop worrying about what people think of me - the people who know the real me lovev me for who I am and judging by the caliber of friends I keep - that is good enough


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